Thursday, November 23, 2006

Best parts of thankgiving
1. We got our packages today!!Packages from America from the andersons!!! Yes!!

2.AManda said she believed americans gave gifts on thanksgiving. SHe comes to me during our party and got all embarassed because she said, after I told her we dont usually give gifts that she gave her mother and father underwear cause she thought we gave gifts!!! Ha ha


At 6:07 AM, Blogger Lance Webel said...

So I come all the way to Yueyang for Thanksgiving, and you leave for Huaihua? I see how it is. ;)

Emily, have you told Joe about the Facebook group you just joined? I'm not sure he's gonna like that one ...

I hope you had a wonderful trip, and I'll see you next time. Adios, muchachos!


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