Sunday, September 17, 2006

It's a witch craft!

ok so joe got this letter last night from one of my students, but he thinks joe's name is Jone. He actually passed the note to another kid which went out to play basketball by our house and then got the to JOne, oh i mean joe. ha

He is my best junior student.The note is addressed like this: this letter for jone, its a note folded into fours and when you open the first fold it has these little pictures drawn on there. The first one is a little man with a claw, the next one is a huge smily face with big eyes and the third is a face with one eye and a question mark above his head. Bellow these drawings it says Bear?, Tiger? and then there is a scribbled out thing that says it's a man. but then he scribbled it out so it now says It's a witch craft!! WHat the hell does that mean??? ha ha haI love this kid he's the same kid that asked me in his last letter .. ps: I like pandas how bout you.
On the inside the note reads : I can't stand situation comedy. (what is that? any ideas?) He also thinks Man and Nature are interesting. Ok hmmm so if anyone has any ideas about either of these topics or what the possibly are , I would love to hear a comment. Otherwise I am going to continue to call Joe: Jone, for thr rest of our married life.


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