Friday, September 01, 2006

funny lays potato chip flavors in china
all of these bags have these english flavors written on the bag, next to a corresponding picture
1. Peking Duck= tastes like barbacue
2. Italian meat flavor= tastes like spicy peking duck or maybe spicy barbacue.
3.lemon cool = when it first enters your mouth you think mmm lemon squares, then after it is gone its cool mint flavor gives you good breathe. Very weird, but really good, cause it is like a desert chip, or least it tastes like one
4. Cucumber= actually tastes like cucumber! impossible I know!
5. Crispy chicken drumstick= tastes like peking duck flavor, no real difference
flavors not yet tried:
6.Mexican tomato chicken
7. Bejing duck.... hmm I wonder what the difference between peking and bejing duck will be? could it be that they also taste like barbacue? we shall see
there are more flavors too, we will keep you posted on them as we taste them.


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